Supporting SMEs
and entrepreneurs
The project aims at support SMEs and entrepreneurs from agricultural and tourism sector
through provision of business facilities, services, know-how and human development skills

Greece and Bulgaria, two neighboring countries with a rich past, since the end of the 1990s have entered an era of closer co-operation, due to the INTERREG Programme “Greece-Bulgaria”.
The main idea behind “INTERREG” is that countries have issues which can be better solved if they work together with their neighbors than if each one remains confined within its borders. So for this reason, in our Programme we promote activities that bring our people closer.
One needs to look no further than the land and the rivers we share and move on to roads and then to culture, food and traditions. In every case what happens on the one side of the border affects the other side as well. The need for joint actions is gradually becoming the normal than the exception.
We focus in Northern Greece and in Southern Bulgaria around our common border.
All of our actions take place in the area of Evros, Kavala, Xanthi, Rodopi, Drama, Thessaloniki, Serres and in Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Kardzhali, Haskovo.
We work with public and other institutions on both sides of the border that can benefit and positively influence the widest possible numbers of inhabitants, funding a very diverse range of activities that fall in the sectors of competitiveness, environment, culture, transportation, health and social issues.
For this reason, the European Union together with Greece and Bulgaria are providing 130.000.000 Euros from 2014 up to 2020!
We improve co-operation on issues of common interest and deal with the challenges of the modern era in a more efficient and effective way. Our ultimate aim is a better everyday life.
We cooperate! We act jointly and we all win!
The project aims at support SMEs and entrepreneurs from agricultural and tourism sector through provision of business facilities, services, know-how and human development skills that will positively affect the entrepreneurial success and the sustainable business development. The project aims at upgrading and using the achieved results and outputs of two previous projects – Danube winery places (CBC Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013) and VINESOS (INTERREG VA Greece Bulgaria 20014-2020).The project will provide business support through development of vocational and scientific tutorials, provision of know-how and support for production of bio -wines from local varieties, development of bio-agri-wine tourism product, and sommelier knowledge to HORECA representatives. Agro tourism Academy will be formed to facilitate the entrepreneurs from the CB area with administrative and vocational support in long term.
One of the significant results of the project is the development and establishment of experimental fields for local vine varieties and the production of young plants that will be distributed to wine makers and vine growers in order to reintroduce the local brading. It is expected 30 agricultural producers from both sides to receive seedlings by the end of project implementation.
The project consists of 5 Work Packages providing a well defined structure of what has to be achieved and how:
- Management and Coordination
- Communication and Dissemination. Project promotional action
- Diagnosis and strategic planning
- Development of Agro-Tourism Business Academy
- Sustainability and added value measures
Euros (Budget)
Months (duration)
News – Press
Third brochure
The third brochure of the project AgroBusiness Academy can be downloaded from here
Second brochure
The second brochure of the project AgroBusiness Academy can be downloaded from here
First brochure
The first brochure of the project AgroBusiness Academy can be downloaded from here

Eurointegra Association

Association Prosperity and development in Bulgaria
